I've not disappeared!! Well I have in a way, but someone else has replaced whatever it was that was happening here, so to speak.
Anyhow, new direction is good right. I'm staying up all nite experimenting with things because I would have had to wake up at 5 am anyhow, so i figured i might as well use my night for something worthwile (this will all be worth something in the end).
something about torino is bordering TOO french for my liking. I'm not even sure how i mean that. Listen and see if you can put your finger, or some other appendage on it. I like "Lake Girl" quite a lot though. I'm going to see if i can put together a halfway decent remix of it one of these days when i get some time (I know i know, what do i even do with my time, right? it slips away so easily)
Uh this week is hellhectic. Contact me tho, i'd be into it.